Boston Senior Home Care’s Forever at Home annual fundraising event supports older adults and people with disabilities who wish to remain at home and in the community. The event also provides much-needed funding to family caregivers so they can care for their loved ones, while ensuring that their own personal needs are met. Held virtually in November 2021, Forever at Home honored those organizations who worked alongside us to help the most vulnerable in our community get vital services and supports during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our work during that time was challenging, but also inspiring! Thanks to our partnership with other community organizations on the frontlines, we were able to get people the help they needed, when they needed it.
We call them our COVID Heroes and Partners.
The Age Strong Commission, Boston Housing Authority, Maloney Properties, Suburban Home Health Care, East Boston Community Development Corporation, and Pelmeds Pharmacy
Hear their stories of strength, resilience, and kindness.